SAP User Companies choose 1E1 Consulting so they have a real business partner with both network and human relations, dominating every sector of the industry, following new trends.
1E1 Consulting easily connects your company with the competencies that can meet the needs of your company, by its close network in IT / SAP sector, that has been reached in many years.
Although your company already has an HR department and recruitment team, recruitment experts in 1E1 Consulting, with their technical point of views, provide you with the right profile to the right position, even during the CV selection and evaluation phase. In this sector, you will not have any business partner that can do better than 1E1 Consulting.
We can offer shortlisted candidates in maximum 4-6 business days after you tell us about the characteristics of the IT / SAP specialists needed for your company’s domestic and even overseas operations.
You will just need to test your institutional cultural appropriateness for our shortlisted candidates and be able to offer in a very short period of time.
For project-based, ongoing IT / SAP experts; freelancer experts in 1E1 Consulting‘s network are positioned to suit your project / department budget, ensuring that projects are delivered smoothly and on time. SAP Integration Projects, Roll-Out Projects, SAP ABAP or SAP Module support work and end-user trainings are the most intensive services provided by 1E1 Consulting to its clients by its freelancer specialists.
If you want to be among the distinguished customers of 1E1 Consulting or want to test any of the services we provide, please contact us on the “CONTACT US” page and we will contact you within 24 hours.